So far, no computer has been able to solve the problems of the International Mathematical Olympiad. But a new artificial intelligence, ‘Alphageometry’, has succeeded in solving these problems. It has surprised the world by solving dozens of theorems.German mathematician Peter Scholze, a Fields Medalist and three-time International Mathematical Olympiad gold medalist, said about this artificial intelligence, “Its performance is commendable. It can be used to train competitors in the International Mathematical Olympiad.”
As I said earlier, scientists selected 30 geometric problems for the Alphageometry test. These were in the International Mathematical Olympiad questions from 2000 to the present. A program known as Wu’s algorithm was asked to solve these problems. It was able to solve only 10 problems. ChatGPT-4 got a complete ‘blow’ in this case. That is, it could not solve a single question. But this new Alphageometry solved 25 problems. According to the researchers, this score is better than most competitors in the International Mathematical Olympiad. Because the students were able to solve an average of 15.2 of these 30 problems. However, the gold medalists were able to solve an average of 25.9. Of course, there are problems. As I said before, this AI solved the problems very briefly. But even though it was brief, they were correct.
In the International Mathematical Olympiad, students have to solve six problems over two days. Some of these problems are so complex that even experts struggle to solve them. Alphageometry has been able to solve such problems.Researchers said that this new artificial intelligence was able to solve 25 geometric problems out of the old 30 problems of the International Mathematical Olympiad. In reality, if a student solves this many problems, he is awarded a gold medal. This AI was given to solve the problems of the 2004 International Mathematical Olympiad. It has shown great accuracy in solving the same problem in different ways.
In the International Mathematical Olympiad, students have to solve 6 problems in two days. Some of these problems are so complex that even experts struggle to solve them. Alphageometry has been able to solve such problems. However, the solutions are short. Researchers believe that for this, artificial intelligence will have to apply more creative skills.
Are you worried? No, it’s not the time to worry about artificial intelligence right now. Because these geometric problems are only 1/3 of the entire Olympiad. However, there is no way to say with certainty that AI will not be able to solve those problems in the future. Who knows, maybe a non-human (AI) will participate in an international mathematics Olympiad in a few years and win a gold medal!