Is it okay to ask an AI chatbot for advice on mental health issues?

Is it okay to ask an AI chatbot for advice on mental health issues?

AI tools are constantly learning by interacting with people. So the way chatbots interact with people is becoming more humane and realistic day by day. But still, some questions remain. Is it right to use such a promising technology like AI to solve mental problems? If it is right, what are its boundaries? Is it safe to ask AI for advice for all kinds of mental problems?

AI is now being used for almost every kind of task. From creating career guidelines based on one’s educational qualifications and experience, writing a CV to planning a trip according to one’s preferences, to getting recipes to make a new dish using leftover food – people are turning to AI for almost all such small and big tasks. AI has opened the door to infinite possibilities.

Recently, Deepak Patkar, Head of Imaging at Nanavati Max Super Specialty Hospital in India, in an interview, discussed in detail the use of AI chatbots in solving mental problems. In which situations can the help of AI be taken, when should it not be taken, guidelines on these issues are available in his interview.

Initial mental health crisis management has become easier:

AI is available at hand and is convenient to use. By writing a very simple prompt, we can get answers from AI that meet our personal needs. Referring to this advantage of AI, Deepak Patkar said, “AI chatbots that work through machine learning and natural language processing are revolutionizing the delivery of mental health care to everyone. Many people are turning to AI first to get mental health help. Because AI responds very quickly. Chatbots also do not have the tendency to judge a person or blame them for their plight. This is very important in initial management of any mental health crisis.”

When is it good to use AI chatbots?

In order to deal with the initial crisis, mental health advice can be sought from AI chatbots. Studies have shown that chatbots play an effective role in eliminating problems that are not so severe (such as anxiety or depression).

Cognitive behavioral therapy is quite popular among the conventional methods of psychotherapy. Some mobile phone apps also provide the benefits of cognitive behavioral therapy. These apps help users identify and deal with negative thoughts 24 hours a day. Many people are reluctant to seek treatment for mental illness. These apps also play a helpful role in removing misconceptions and negative ideas in society around the treatment of mental illness.In addition, chatbots are able to provide advice on emotion regulation and continuously store information about a person’s mental state.

When is it not good to use AI chatbots

AI cannot provide sufficient assistance in some specific problems. AI’s power is extremely limited compared to the depth of knowledge and expertise of a professional psychologist in solving some complex problems. According to Deepak Patkar, chatbots are not capable of diagnosing and treating complex mental illnesses. This is because chatbots do not have the empathy and understanding necessary to understand the human mind. Where people’s personal privacy is being violated online, the question remains as to how safe it is to talk about personal mental problems to chatbots. In addition, chatbots often misunderstand human speech. Chatbots are also unable to handle serious and ethical issues.

Setting limits on usage

So what is the solution? Can chatbots not be used at all? You should definitely use chatbots. But you need to know when and how much you can trust the advice of a chatbot. In this regard, Deepak Patkar is of the opinion that chatbots can be asked for small things, such as advice on how to reduce depression. If you take the help of a chatbot while under the supervision of a psychologist, then chatbots can do a great job. But chatbots can never be a substitute for a psychologist.

If someone has a tendency to become suicidal, is in extreme mental turmoil, or is never in a good mood, they should definitely go to a professional psychiatrist. Chatbots can only be a means of knowing more about the person’s feelings, but cannot solve serious problems.

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