Many people store important information, pictures or videos on their smartphones for personal or institutional purposes. And so hackers secretly install malware on the phone to collect information and monitor users. Let’s find out some signs of whether the phone has been infected with malware or not.
Presence of unwanted ads and unfamiliar apps
Suddenly displaying ads or the presence of unfamiliar apps on the phone screen is one of the signs of malware infection. And so, first of all, you need to check the list of apps on the phone. If there are unfamiliar apps, you should understand that malware has entered the phone. Not only that, but you should also be careful if you see irrelevant ads while using the internet on the phone. Because, when you click on a suspicious link or download an app from an unfamiliar website, malware enters the phone and shows the hackers’ desired ads as well as secretly collects and sends information.
Phone temperature increases and battery drains quickly
It is normal for the phone to heat up a bit when watching videos or playing games for a long time. However, if the phone continues to heat up or the battery drains quickly even while doing normal tasks, then it is a sign that malware has entered the phone. This is because malware-laden apps keep running in the background of the phone. As a result, the phone’s battery consumes more and the temperature increases.
Slowing down the phone
Malware usually uses the phone’s processor and memory to collect information all the time. As a result, it takes more time to do other tasks on the phone. Sometimes the phone even hangs suddenly. So if the phone slows down or hangs while doing normal tasks, it means that malware has entered.
Call drops and network problems
Network problems or call drops are another sign of malware infection. If the phone is infected with malware, there are interruptions while making phone calls or using the internet. As a result, in addition to dropping calls, the internet cannot be used quickly due to network problems.
Permission to use information
When downloading various apps, users are asked to use various information including the phone’s microphone, call log, camera. However, apps with malware secretly use these components. By entering the privacy option of the phone’s settings and clicking on app permissions, it is possible to know which apps have taken permission to use the phone’s components. If you see the name of an unfamiliar app here, you should understand that there is malware on the phone.
Unusual use of mobile data
In addition to running in the background of the phone, apps with malware regularly send the collected information to a specific address via the internet. As a result, users unknowingly consume more mobile data. If mobile data is consumed even when you are not using the internet, it is understood that there is malware on the phone.